Interested In Becoming a Member
CSUSTL brings together hundreds of companies, trade associations, labor unions, law firms and individuals who support and use the US trade remedy laws to address unfair trade practices by offshore producers. Unlike some large national organizations we do not attempt to act across the many diverse international trade policy issues which oftentimes can fracture membership who have diverging positions. Instead we have brought together a diverse network of individuals and organizations whose primary task is to maintain and promote strong and effective laws, and act as a technical repository for these laws to the public. This focus on the mission has enabled CSUSTL to become the nation's leading expert and advocate on these laws. By becoming a member of CSUSTL, you will join a large and diverse network of people who are informed, engaged in the process, recognized for their expertise, and who shape the debate rather than just react to it.
Benefits of Membership
An Articulate, Effective Voice on US Trade Remedy Law Issues
Greater Awareness of and Involvement in Critical Policy Developments Concerning the Trade Laws
Increased Washington Influence Through CSUSTL's Political Footprint and Expertise
Access to Trade Remedy Law Experts and Government Officials
Regular News Updates on Developments Affecting US Trade Remedy Law
Networking Opportunities with Peers
Detailed Analysis through Publications, Data, Issue Roundtables, and Speakers Sponsored Through the CSUSTL Trade Policy Forum